Project 119: Isaiah 52:13-53:12
It is often said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And beauty is objective, isn’t it? Our definitions of beauty and attractiveness vary by culture and time period.
Project 119: Isaiah 49:1-13
| Project 119 | Amy Hirsch
We see a shift here in Isaiah; Isaiah 41-48 deals with the problem of physical exile, promising that God will bring His children home to the land promised to their forefather Abraham.
Project 119: Isaiah 42:18-43:7
| Project 119 | Amy Hirsch
In some ways, the end of Isaiah 42 and the beginning of Isaiah 43 seem like opposites, don’t they?
Project 119: Isaiah 39
| Project 119 | Amy Hirsch
Isaiah 39 is a hard chapter to read, isn’t it? We’ve seen God deliver Hezekiah from death - and in response, Hezekiah turns to put his trust in Babylon.
Pastor's Blog: A New Look
Most of us are creatures of habit. While fashion styles may come and go, the vast majority of us prefer to keep things the same.
Project 119: Isaiah 37:21-38
| Project 119 | Amy Hirsch
I remember the first time I watched the classic The Wizard of Oz. As a child, I waited with fear and anticipation when Dorothy’s ragamuffin crew made it to Oz.
Project 119: Isaiah 37:1-20
| Project 119 | Amy Hirsch
In many ways, this chapter is the resolution to a cliff-hanger! I used to hate when I was kid and my favorite TV shows would have cliff-hangers at the end of the season.