April 13-20, 2025 | Holy WeekLearn More

Children's Ministry

Nurturing your child with God's love, grace, and generosity 

Do you have a vision for your child's life? A dream of who your child will become? At Mountain Brook Baptist Church, we have a vision for the children in our care. We want to see children become believers in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and help parents have confidence that their children are in a safe, loving Christian environment at MBBC.

We understand the responsibility we have to care for your children. We take this responsibility very seriously. We offer quality Bible teaching and are seeking to open, guide, and strengthen the minds and hearts of children to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

The spiritual foundation of each child begins in infancy and grows and develops each year. It's our goal in the Children's Ministry for each child at Mountain Brook Baptist Church to make his profession of faith in Jesus Christ and to mature as a Christian. Our ongoing ministries and special events are all planned to help children as they grow as Jesus grew: physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually.

Sunday School


Infants (0-9 months)
Location: Room 245

Location: Room 253

Toddler 1 (walking but not turning 2 by 9/1/24)
Location: Room 251

Toddler 2 (turning 2 between 4/1/24-8/31/24)
Location: Room 249

Toddler 3 (turned 2 between 9/2/23-3/31/24)
Location: Room 249

Location: Room 255

Location: Room 246

Location: Room 269

Location: Room 268 

School Age
1st Grade
Location: Room 273 

2nd Grade
Location: Room 257

3rd Grade
Location: Room 247

4th Grade
Location: Room 259

5th-6th Grade
Location: Room 206

Realm Check-In

We use Realm as our check-in system. Realm has an app that can be used for check-in when you arrive at the church. If you don't have access to Realm, contact Amy Hirsch to sign up. 

Worship Care and Preschool Worship

Worship Care is available for both worship services. For bed babies through 2K, Worship Care dropoff is in the Early Learning Center in your child's Sunday Morning Bible Study room; we have greeters available for both services who can assist you with finding the dropoff rooms. When dropping your child off for Worship Care, please make sure your child has a completed security card or guest tag. Please label all bottles as well as your child’s bag. Let the teacher know if your child has allergies or special needs. We look forward to loving your child and teaching him or her about Jesus.

We also have Preschool Worship for 3K-5K children. Children in this age group will go to the service with parents and then meet Mrs. Sharon in the back of the Sanctuary following the Children's Sermon to go to Preschool Worship. Parents can pick up in their Sunday Morning Bible Study room after the 9 a.m. Traditional Worship Service or in room 259 after 11 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service. 

Parents of preschool children, we need your help to make worship care happen. Sign up below to serve!

Wednesday Activities

Wednesday Nights

Join us for dinner, missions, and music on Wednesday nights during the school year!

New Wednesday Night Schedule
Dinner Served 5-6 p.m.
Missions 6-6:25 p.m.
Music 6:30-7 p.m.

Missions Room Locations (6-6:25 p.m.)

  • Childcare: Room 245 & Toddler Playroom
  • 2K & 3K Missions: Room 269
  • 4K & 5K Missions: Room 268
  • 1st-3rd Missions: Room 259 
  • 4th-6th Missions: Room 247

Children's Choir Locations (6:30-7 p.m.)

  • Preschool 3’s Choir: Room 269
  • Preschool 4’s and 5’s Choir: Room 268
  • Music Makers (Grades 1-3): Room 259
  • Young Musicians (Grades 4-6): Room 247

Other Resources


Books, DVDs, and reference materials for your entire family.


Christian Life Center

Enjoy public recreation in a positive, Christian setting.


Weddings at MBBC

Our staff will assist in making each wedding a memorable experience.


Our Blog

Keep up to date with recent news around the church.