April 13-20, 2025 | Holy WeekLearn More

Becoming a Member

We would love to talk with you about the details of what it means to join MBBC.

Become a Member

We are delighted that you have been worshiping with us at Mountain Brook Baptist and are interested in becoming a member! 

We at Mountain Brook Baptist ask that the following steps be taken for membership:

  • Membership Conversation with Minister
  • Membership Application
  • Believer’s Baptism by Immersion
  • Expressions of Membership

Begin the Conversation 

If you are interested in joining Mountain Brook Baptist Church, we would love to talk with you more about your faith in Christ, your desire to unite with us, and the details of what it means to join MBBC. 

Also, Mountain Brook Baptist periodically hosts membership lunches to introduce prospective members to varied aspects of the church.  This is an opportunity to meet our pastoral staff, find out more about the ministries of the church and opportunities for service, and to ask any questions you might have about MBBC. And of course, this is a great opportunity for us here at MBBC to connect with you and get to know you!  

Please email Mary Splawn, our Minister of Connections, for more information. 

Membership Application 

We ask that you fill out a simple membership application which can be accessed online below, or if you choose, you may pick up one from our church offices and fill out by hand.

Baptism by Immersion

We believe that a profession of faith in Christ is essential for salvation and serves as a starting point for your journey in relationship with God. At Mountain Brook Baptist, we affirm this act of confession by the ordinance of baptism. If you have already been baptized by immersion as a believer, we happily affirm that! If you have not been so baptized, we ask that you prayerfully consider being baptized by immersion as a witness to your professed faith in Jesus as Lord and as an embracing of our Baptist heritage. We are happy to walk through this process with you and of course will answer any and all questions throughout your steps to becoming a member.

Expressions of Membership 

At Mountain Brook Baptist, we are a God-centered, Bible-based, people-focused body of believers in Jesus Christ. As a member, we ask that you commit to living out our "Five Expressions of Membership." 


Attend one of our weekly Sunday morning services. We offer a Traditional Worship Service at 9 a.m. in our Sanctuary and a Contemporary Worship Service at 11 a.m. in our Sanctuary. Worship is vital to our lives as Christians, and gathering together on Sunday mornings is our primary way of expressing Christ’s Lordship and experiencing his grace and truth together as a community. 

Plug In

Plug in to the life of the church by joining one of our Sunday Morning Bible Study classes and/or joining a Growth Group. We have many options of classes and groups, and we want you to find the right fit for nurturing of your relationship with God and your life in the church community. 

Another great way to plug in is on Wednesday nights during the school year where we enjoy dinner together and have missions activities for children. Contact Sharon Howard for more information. 


Serve by giving of your time in the church and/or community. As followers of Christ we are called to be on mission, so whether you are serving our community in some capacity at church or serving others abroad in our city, nationally, or internationally, we ask that you express your membership in service. We have a strong tradition and emphasis on missions here at MBBC and want you to be a part of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ through word and deed.


Give to the mission and ministries of the church financially.


Invite others to worship with us! Just as you have been welcomed and encouraged in your own experience of God’s grace in worship and life at Mountain Brook Baptist, we encourage you to invite others to share in the life of God’s grace and Christian fellowship through worship, involvement, and service at MBBC. This is a great way to serve and be on mission as a follower of Jesus Christ.