Project 119: Introduction to Matthew
| Project 119 | Amy Hirsch
The gospel of Matthew is attributed to a tax collector named Matthew; in fact, he’s the same tax collector who Jesus calls to follow Him in Matthew 9:9.
Project 119: Isaiah 65:1-5 and Romans 10:20-21
| Project 119 | Mary Splawn
My kids love to play hide and seek. Recently, I was folding clothes when a game ensued.
Pastor's Blog: Pass The Salt, Please
I have never been big on bland foods. I wouldn’t say that spicy stuff is ever my “go to” choice when I sit down for a meal, but I will admit that I do enjoy my food better when it is sprinkled with a dash of salt. I don’t think I’m alone in...
Project 119: Isaiah 64:1-7, Psalm 33:20, and John 6:38
| Project 119 | Mary Splawn
“No eye has seen any God besides You, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.”
Project 119: Isaiah 61:1-2 and Luke 4:16-30
| Project 119 | Mary Splawn
Have you ever had one of those moments where you were in the presence of greatness and didn’t realize it?
Project 119: Isaiah 57:19 and Ephesians 2:17
| Project 119 | Amy Hirsch
Baptists have a rich history of missionaries traveling the world to share the gospel of peace with those who are “far off.”
Project 119: Overview of Isaiah 56-66; Isaiah 56:1-8 and Matthew 21:12-13
| Project 119 | Mary Splawn
At last we come to the end of the book of Isaiah and to his global vision of God’s glory. Isaiah 56-66 pictures the day of this coming glory and helps us see how we ought to respond to God’s promise of salvation.
Sermon Preview: Show Some Respect
The story of the Parable of the Evil Tenants is one of those stories that are hard to wrap our minds around. The thought of a group of tenants who are so bad that they would kill not only the owner’s servants but also his own son just makes no sense to us at all. Who lives with...
Project 119: Isaiah 55
| Project 119 | Amy Hirsch
In Isaiah 40-54, we’ve been hearing about the miraculous work of restoration that God is doing - how He will bring His people home from exile, yes, but we’ve also learned that God is doing a far greater work than bringing physical restoration.
Pastor's Blog: Welcoming Change
I have been on record for quite some time about my reluctance to change. Being a person who enjoys routine, I don’t look to shake things up for the sake of change, particularly when I think things are going relatively well. My favorite dictum is, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”