April 13-20, 2025 | Holy WeekLearn More

Servant Leader Interns

- SERVE (Student Ministry and MBBC)
- PLAN (Events, Food, and other aspects of our Ministry)
- GROW (In relationship with the Lord and each other)

The Servant Leadership Internship in MBBC Student Ministry is effort aimed at students intently carrying on the Message and Mission of Christ. Our desire is that all students aspire to committed discipleship and service in their local church. Someone once said what we believe is not just what we think, but it is what we do. Thus, we believe that as students mature in their faith they need to be provided with opportunities to put their faith into action. Servant Leader Internship is an opportunity for our church to help students to understand the gospel by serving alongside other servant leaders, all the while urging them towards a deeper relationship with Christ. 

We hope that you will prayerfully consider joining us in this exciting endeavor! 

- Joel Burks (Minister to Students) and Ethan McVay (Minister to Preteen and Jr. High Students)

Commitment - 

We ask that all of our prospective Servant Leader Interns to read the commitments before filling out the application below. Its ok if your schedule doesn't allow for you to be a Servant Leader at this time! No matter where you are in life, you have the ability to lead people towards Christ, whether you are on a sports team or in a school club! Click below to read the Servant Leader Intern commitment sheet...


Servant Leader Interns

Servant Leader Intern Application

This can be anyone in your life! Maybe a coach, teacher, or other adult in your life. (Please only use 1 family member.)

Make sure to include a bit about your life before Christ, inviting Christ into your life, and your life now with Christ!

If you are interested in multiple ministry opportunities, enter those here: