Project 119: Matthew 5-8

 |  Project 119  |  Amy Hirsch

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Project 119: Matthew 8

 |  Project 119  |  Mary Splawn

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Pastor's Blog: Blessings, Hayden and Cody (and Rhett)


As most of you are aware, our Minister to Students Hayden Walker and her husband Cody are on the verge of delivering their son Rhett, and we are elated at God’s favor toward them! As the two of them have prayed over their role as parents, Hayden has sensed God releasing her from her responsibilities as Minister to Students. She and I have discussed this matter and given it prayerful consideration, and I am in agreement that this transition is God’s will for the Walkers at this stage in their faith journey.

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Project 119: Matthew 7

 |  Project 119  |  Mary Splawn

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Project 119: Matthew 6

 |  Project 119  |  Mary Splawn

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Project 119: Matthew 5:13-48

 |  Project 119  |  Mary Splawn

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Project 119: Matthew 5:1-12

 |  Project 119  |  Mary Splawn

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Project 119: Matthew 1-4

 |  Project 119  |  Amy Hirsch

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Project 119: Matthew 4:12-25

 |  Project 119

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Pastor's Blog: Thank You for Being You


We live in a day of dishonesty and deceit. People claim to be one way but then act in ways that are totally opposite. That is why when someone acts in a sincere way, it’s important to acknowledge it and to say thanks. I feel compelled to do that with respect to our church because of our fellowship’s strong response to a recent appeal to provide support to those affected by the recent hurricanes.

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