April 13-20, 2025 | Holy WeekLearn More

Early Learning Center

Caring for your child in a Christian environment

**At this time, we have some availability in our Half Day and Full Day programs.

About the ELC

The Mountain Brook Baptist Early Learning Center (ELC) is bursting with preschoolers who are having a great time! In addition to learning about Jesus, they are learning their colors, letters, numbers, how to share, how to be a helper, and so much more. All of the programs in the ELC are based on the Wee Learn Curriculum. Our philosophy is explained below, as well as our learning objectives. We have new, beautiful, state-of-the-art facilities where your children will thrive! Please feel free to contact our staff for more information. Click on the links to get specific details about each individual program we offer.


Our program provides developmental care in a Christian atmosphere. We give the children the loving care and guidance they need in their formative years. We see each child as a unique individual and strive to instill in each child a positive self-image and confidence in their own abilities. Children learn by “doing” and we facilitate that learning by providing a variety of materials and activities appropriate for their level of development.

Learning Objectives

The learning objectives for our program focus on teaching the whole child. 
These objectives fall into five categories: Spiritual / Mental / Physical / Social / Emotional


  • Safety and Quality Throughout All Facilities
  • Security System Providing Personal Access Code Entry Only to Facilities
  • Developmentally Appropriate Room Designs for Infants Through Preschool Age Classes
  • Classrooms Designed Using Learning Centers
  • Brand New Toddler Playground
  • Indoor Gym with Developmentally Appropriate Equipment Available

HeadMaster Online

Click the link below to be directed to the online center to edit information or make payments. You must have your username and password to begin and create an account. Contact the school if you do not have this information.


Other Resources


Books, DVDs, and reference materials for your entire family.


Christian Life Center

Enjoy public recreation in a positive, Christian setting.


Weddings at MBBC

Our staff will assist in making each wedding a memorable experience.


Our Blog

Keep up to date with recent news around the church.