Project 119: Isaiah 25

 |  Project 119  |  Hayden Walker

After the last few days, you may be feeling overwhelmed at God’s judgment and convicted of your own sin. I think both are very appropriate reactions to the wrath of God! Today, the tide shifts. We see the character of God as the one who will by no means clear the guilty, but also the one who is merciful, gracious, and forgiving (Exodus 34:6-7). We have seen that judgment extends to the entire world, but in our passage today, we see that God makes promises of peace that are available to their entire world as well.

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Project 119: Isaiah 20

 |  Project 119  |  Hayden Walker

Signs and examples help us to grasp difficult concepts. They shed light on challenging truths; this is why preachers use illustrations in their sermons! We understand better through symbols, and so did the people of Judah. All of the other oracles in this section involve rich literary metaphors that are powerful. However, nothing can quite compare with the image recorded in Isaiah 20. Instead of just recording God’s words,Isaiah himself became a living sign to his people.

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Project 119: Isaiah 17:1-9 | Hayden Walker

 |  Project 119  |  Hayden Walker

Cody and I love to travel together. Before we leave home, we always have a detailed itinerary, maps, and guidebooks about our destination. Without this information, we would not understand much about the sites we might see and experience. When reading through prophetic books, I think a similar philosophy is helpful. It is good to read the passages in one hand with a sort of “guidebook” in your other hand. For this oracle, we must remember that Israel was the wicked northern kingdom, a separate nation at the point in time from Judah, to whom Isaiah wrote. Isaiah 17 records a prophecy against the people of Syria and Israel.

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Project 119: Overview of Isaiah 13-23 & Isaiah 13:9-22

 |  Project 119  |  Hayden Walker

Overview of Isaiah 13-27

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Project 119: Isaiah 12:1-6

 |  Project 119  |  Dr. Kely Hatley

“The Wells of Salvation - A Canticle of Joy”

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Pastor's Blog: Teach Your Children Well


One of the lessons I had to learn as a parent was that my children wouldn’t simply catch Christian faith like they seemed to catch everything else as they were growing up. I had to be intentional about speaking with them about developing their appreciation for God’s love in Jesus Christ and understanding the importance of embracing it as they were able. Even as a pastor, while I had assumed that growing up in a preacher’s home would be enough, I came to discover that my responsibility as a parent meant engaging them in positive conversations about why faith is important and the difference it makes in life. Fortunately, my children listened and responded, and to this day they are both very much committed to following Jesus. Now that I have grandchildren, I see my responsibility to help them in an even more important way.

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Project 119: Isaiah 11:1-10 | Kely Hatley

 |  Project 119  |  Dr. Kely Hatley

“The Branch from Jesse - Christ’s Birth and Peace are Foretold”

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Project 119: Isaiah 8:11-17

 |  Project 119  |  Dr. Kely Hatley

“The Fear of the Lord”

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Project 119: Isaiah 7:1-9

 |  Project 119  |  Dr. Kely Hatley

“Standing Firm in Your Faith”

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Project 119: Overview of Isaiah 6-12 & Isaiah 6:1-13

 |  Project 119  |  Dr. Kely Hatley

Overview of Isaiah 6-12

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