Cooks On A Mission in Mountain Brook Magazine
| Cooks On A Mission
Here is a GREAT write up from Mountain Brook Magazine about our Cooks On A Mission. Please read the post below and go the webpage for Mountain Brook Magazine to see and read more!
Sermon: First Things First
Jim Rohn was one of the pioneers of motivational speaking in the last century, the precursor to such household names today as Tony Robbins or Zig Ziglar or Wayne Dyer. Like most motivational speakers, Rohn had his share of famous quotes, but the one that will always stand out to me is his quote that goes: “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way; if you don’t, then you’ll find an excuse.”
Sermon Preview: First Things First
Every book on attaining effectiveness I’ve ever seen emphasizes the establishment of priorities. If everything is important, then nothing is. Or even worse, if everything is urgent, then we never find the time to get around to what is important. That’s why experts in the field of personal effectiveness insist on making lists that reflect what we believe to be of utmost significance.