Pastor's Blog: What's The Good Word?


One of the most common greetings actually comes most frequently in the form of a question. “What’s the good word?” Anyone who asks another such a question is doing more than starting a conversation; that person is looking for encouragement that the other might be able to share, something that will move him or her down a path that enriches one’s life.

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Project 119: Joshua 18

 |  Project 119  |  Dr. Wayne Splawn

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Project 119: Joshua 17


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Project 119: Joshua 16

 |  Project 119  |  Dr. Wayne Splawn

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Project 119: Joshua 15

 |  Project 119  |  Dr. Wayne Splawn

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Project 119: Joshua 10-14

 |  Project 119

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Project 119: Joshua 14

 |  Project 119  |  Amy Hirsch

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Pastor's Blog: Living Up to the Hype


​Unless you’ve been in a cave the last several days, you know that this Sunday is “Super Bowl Sunday.” Even if you’re not a football fan, chances are that you’ll be like the vast majority of Americans, glued to the tube, or at least doing something with the game on in the background. Estimates are that around 115 million of us will be tuned in to the game, which represents almost 36% of the population – a staggering percentage when...

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Project 119: Joshua 13

 |  Project 119  |  Amy Hirsch

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Project 119: Joshua 12

 |  Project 119  |  Amy Hirsch

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