Pastor's Blog: Servant Sermons
I have so appreciated our church’s response to the changes we have made in our Deacon Ordination service. What seems to have connected with our membership most of all are the Deacon testimonies, where each of the ordinands shares a brief word on what the church has meant to him or her. I know I am better for hearing these heartfelt expressions. They remind me of...
Pastor's Blog: Thank You For Your Generosity
“Love God. Live with grace and generosity.” If I ever had any doubts that our church had bought in to our congregational mission statement, those doubts were washed away by the incredible end of the year response to our ministry aims and objectives. During the last month of December we received over 20% of our total gifts for 2017, and the last week alone saw over 11% come in as your response to my “final appeal.” Words cannot adequately express my deep appreciation for what so many of you did to help us be in a position to fulfill our ministry plans.