Christmas Eve ServicesLearn More

Current Series

No Other Gospel

A Sermon Series on Galatians

Sermon Archive

The Gospel According to Isaiah

A Sermon Series on Isaiah

Christ is Light

2023 Advent Sermon Series

Kingdom Stories

Parables Series

On Earth As In Heaven

A Sermon on the Mount Series

The Glory of God

Christmas Series: We have seen the glory of God in the person of Jesus Christ.

While We Wait

An Advent Sermon Series • 2022


Give Thanks to God

The Life of Faith

God called Abraham and promised to provide him with a land, descendants as numerous as the

stars in the sky, and to bless him so that he might be a blessing to the nations. The New Testament
shows that Abraham was the father of all who would experience the fulfillment of these promises through faith in Jesus Christ.

Hope In God's Unfailing Love

Psalm 147 declares the power and majesty of God and clearly shows that God does not use the strong, but delights to use those who fear him and hope in his unfailing love. As we start a new year, we can be filled with hope, not because of any strength or skill we possess. Instead, our hope is rooted in God’s unfailing love.