Act of Congress Hymn Concert at the Lyric Theatre - October 27Learn More

Sermon Archive

Certain Truths for Uncertain Times

Started September 13

What Jesus Always Leaves

| Guest Speaker | John 14:27

A Good Place to Stand

| Guest Speaker | Nahum 1:7

Where to Go to Find Your Rest

| Guest Speaker | Matthew 11:28

All That God Gives

| Guest Speaker | 2 Timothy 1:7

Treading On The Heights

| Guest Speaker | Habakkuk 3:17-19

God Finishes Everything He Starts

| Guest Speaker | Philippians 1:6

What We Know

| Guest Speaker | Romans 8:28

The Best Laid Plans

| Guest Speaker | Proverbs 16:3

What to Do With Your Fear

| Guest Speaker | Psalm 56:3

You Have Value

| Guest Speaker | Matthew 6:26

God's Great Delight

| Guest Speaker | Zephaniah 3:17