Discover MBBC | Sunday, February 9Learn More

Sermon Archive

Do You Count?

Started August 04

In It for the Long Haul | 75th Anniversary

| Guest Speaker | Galatians 6:9

A Community Conformed to the Image of Christ | Wayne Splawn

| Dr. Wayne Splawn

Follow Your Thread | Doug Dortch

| Guest Speaker | Romans 12:11

Make Yourself Redundant

| Guest Speaker | Psalm 145:4

Become Insignificant

| Tim Sanderlin | Psalm 145:4

No Need to Walk Alone | Doug Dortch

| Guest Speaker | Ecclesiastes 4:12

Together | Ben Winder

| Ben Winder | Ecclesiastes 4:7-12 (NIV)

What Needs You Most | Doug Dortch

| Guest Speaker | Deuteronomy 15:11

Soft Hearts and Open Hands | Wayne Splawn

| Dr. Wayne Splawn | Deuteronomy 15:7-11 (ESV) ​

Women's Fall KickOff | Hayden Walker

| Hayden Walker

A Distinction WITH a Difference | Doug Dortch

| Guest Speaker | 1 Peter 2:9

What We Are | Ben Winder

| Ben Winder | 1 Peter 2:9-10

Become A Person of Value | Doug Dortch

| Guest Speaker | Mark 8:36-37

What Am I Worth? | Tim Sanderlin

| Tim Sanderlin | Mark 8:34-37 (NIV)

Dream A Bigger Dream | Doug Dortch

| Guest Speaker | 1 John 4:1

Dream A Bigger Dream | Ben Winder

| Ben Winder | 1 John 3:19-24 and 4:1-6

Put Here for a Purpose | Doug Dortch

| Guest Speaker | 2 Peter 1:3-8

Was It Worth The Effort? | Wayne Splawn

| Dr. Wayne Splawn | 2 Peter 1:3-8