Sermon Preview: Who Are These Men?


One of the earliest lessons most of us learned was to be careful about the company we kept. At the time, that lesson may have not have hit home as well as it should have, but along life’s way it became more and more apparent that because we get so many of our cues in life from others, we’re always wise to make sure we have people in our lives who can show us right from wrong.

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Project 119: Psalm 93 & Psalm 94

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Pastor's Blog: The Power of a Steady Drip


Most of us tend to be impressed with the spectacular. Whether it’s an entertainment event or a special sale or an extraordinary accomplishment, we associate its value with how much it exceeds normal expectations. Hence the saying: “Bigger is better.”

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Project 119: Psalm 91 & Psalm 92

 |  Project 119

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Project 119: Psalm 89 & Psalm 90


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Project 119: Psalm 87 & Psalm 88

 |  Project 119

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Project 119: Psalm 85 & Psalm 86

 |  Project 119  |  Amy Hirsch

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Project 119: Psalm 83 & Psalm 84

 |  Project 119

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Project 119: Psalm 81 & Psalm 82

 |  Project 119

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Project 119: Psalm 79 & Psalm 80

 |  Project 119

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