Pastor's Blog: Making the Tough Call
Life is filled with decisions, most of which are not easy. Everyday life is inherently complicated so that we face very few choices that fall under the “no brainer” category. It matters not whether the judgment we must make is personal or corporate, secular or sacred, each comes our way with complications and consequences we often find daunting.
Pastor's Blog: Bridging Divides
I know people have always been prone to disagree with one another, but it seems like in recent years our disagreements have become more serious than ever before. Once upon a time you might come across two parties who didn’t see eye to eye on a certain thing and yet those parties could still coexist at work or in the home or even in a church. Nowadays, coexistence has become a lost art. As soon as the first hint of disagreement arises people retreat to their corners and look upon the other as the enemy.