Pastor's Blog: Certain Truths for Uncertain Times

Many of us live with the illusion of certainty. We think we have a decent bead on how things in life will play out. But the truth of the matter is that no one has a crystal ball so that he or she can see what’s coming around the bend with any sense of confidence. While in days past we could get away with such self-deception about what lies ahead, that is no longer the case. These last months have called into question virtually everything we banked on in life so that we’ve been left with the task of creating “new normals” and revised strategies, all of which have a shelf life of a couple of months at best.
But as people of faith, we’ve learned how to lean upon the Everlasting Arms that, as we sing, will keep us “safe and secure from all alarms.” In a world where everything seems to be up in the air and no one seems to be at the controls, our belief in God’s providence is the only thing that can keep us stable. What good news is that!
So, as we move forward into the months ahead, muddled as they are, how appropriate that we focus our worship gatherings around this theme of God’s providential care. Each Sunday we’ll be reminded that even if we don’t know what the future holds, we know Who holds the future. Having such an assurance in our hearts will enable us to go through this life one day at a time, just as Jesus taught His disciples to do, so that we may “seek first His kingdom and its righteousness” and have “all these things given unto (us) as well.” Who can ask for anything more in this life than that?
September 13
“God’s Great Delight”
Zephaniah 3:17
Big Idea: God’s presence promises us salvation from all enemies.
September 20
“You Have Value”
Matthew 6:26
Big Idea: Our future is secure with God because He values us most highly.
September 27
“What to Do With Your Fear”
Psalm 56:3
Big Idea: Fear is natural; faith in the face of fear connects us to the supernatural.
October 4, Communion Sunday
“The Best Laid Plans”
Proverbs 16:3
Big Idea: The best laid plans are those that are committed to God.
October 11
“What We Know”
Romans 8:28
Big Idea: We can face our uncertainty in the confidence that God is always at work for good.
October 18
“God Finishes Everything He Starts”
Philippians 1:6
Big Idea: We are inevitably a people in process, but relying on divine grace assures us that we will become all God intends us to be.
October 25
“Treading on the Heights”
Habakkuk 3:17-19
Big Idea: Even in the face of our uncertainties, our faith in God enable us to live above them.
November 1, Day of Remembrance
“All That God Gives”
2 Timothy 1:7
Big Idea: The Holy Spirit’s presence emboldens us to seize opportunities when others cringe at the uncertainties.
November 8
“Where to Go to Find Your Rest”
Matthew 11:28
Big Idea: Jesus understands our weariness and invites us to find rest in him.
November 15
“A Good Place to Stand”
Nahum 1:7
Big Idea: Our times of trouble are never greater than our God.
November 22, Thanksgiving Sunday
“What Jesus Always Leaves”
John 14:27
Big Idea: The peace Jesus gives enables us to look upon our uncertainties with untroubled hearts.