Pastor's Blog: "All Hands on Deck"

 |   |  Dr. Wayne Splawn

Every local church is a volunteer organization. It is true that most churches have paid staff members who provide important leadership for the church, but I know of no church that can fulfill its mission to bear witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed without committed lay leaders. This is certainly the case for Mountain Brook Baptist Church. 

Over my years of service at MBBC, I have been encouraged by the incredible volunteers I have seen deeply engage in the life of our church. From committee leaders to Sunday Morning Bible Study teachers to Deacons to Associate Deacons, our church has a group of people who freely give of their time and talents to make ministry possible at Mountain Brook Baptist Church. However, for us to be the type of church I think God is calling us to be, we need even more people involved in service roles.

That is why I am excited about the event Joel Burks and Amy Hirsch have planned for next Sunday, May 15 in Hudson Hall. From 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. you may visit Hudson Hall to learn about many service opportunities available in the life of our church. Many ministry areas in our church will be represented and people will be available to tell you about some of the exciting ways you can use the gifts and talents God has entrusted to you to help others at MBBC grow in their faith in Jesus Christ. I look forward to seeing how God will grow the ranks of dedicated lay leaders in our church through this important event.