Ministry Highlights: Family Mission Team Scouting Trip to Colorado
| Ministry Highlights | Sharon Howard

On February 17-21, several MBBC members flew to Denver, Colorado to partner with Justin McKay and a new church plant called The Local Church. The church plant is located in Arvada, a suburb of Denver. The team helped the church as they prepared to launch and hold their first worship service that Sunday, February 20. Several team members shared about their experience in Colorado working with The Local Church:
Elizabeth and Sid Lowman: “Severe weather and tornado warnings did not stop us. We were delayed but God always prevails, and he safely carried us through the storm. Arvada is a precious town with an electric community that needs the Lord. Everyone on our team had a special talent, graced by God to help prepare for the first day of worship and to make repairs to the pastor’s home. It was amazing to see. When the day arrived for the first church service, people came (almost 200)! We loved seeing a Hispanic mother with her four boys walk in so energetic and happy to be there. They were elated when they found out they could come back next Sunday! Also, Justin invited a local artist to worship and to help in a children’s classroom. Ethan used his gift of artistry to calm a special needs child by drawing pictures. We definitely felt the presence of the Lord and are thankful for this wonderful experience.”
Mae Splawn: "I liked the airplane, Mrs. Melissa’s Sunday School class, and being with my church friends.”
Mary Splawn: “It was wonderful to minister to a new church and help with whatever they needed on the church launch weekend. But my favorite part was getting to know my church family even more! Van rides to and from the church allowed my kids to interact with their brothers and sisters in Christ. Shared meals also helped us grow in community. We now share a bond that encourages our faith and fellowship.”
Eleanor Splawn: “I enjoyed caulking with Mr. Larry. The power was out so that Mr. Sid could change the electrical plugs, so I held a flashlight and went around the room so Mr. Larry could see.”
Greg Whetstone: “We really enjoyed our recent scouting opportunity to evaluate a potential partner church for the annual family mission trip. It was a pleasure to serve alongside our fellow church members as well as those starting The Local Church. Whether it was helping to prepare the church for Sunday services, working at the pastor’s new house, teaching Sunday School, or providing transportation from off-site parking areas, the hard work was worth it when there was a near-capacity crowd for the launch! It was also fun to explore the town of Arvada and other nearby cities with our church family. Mealtimes were fun and we all really enjoyed the fellowship.”
Webb Splawn: “I enjoyed the fellowship and being with my church family.”
Here are a few things that our team learned:
- Church planting is HARD. Church planters often move to new communities and spend time getting to know the people in those communities and areas. Their families are burdened by how many people need to know Jesus and their communities struggle with apathy and autonomy. They aren’t against Jesus or church and life is good, so they aren’t sure they need Jesus. Church planters work to build launch teams in unchurched areas, and that takes lots of prayer, preparation, and patience.
- We need to pray for The Local Church to have the volunteers they need for set up, children’s ministry, and follow-up.
- We continue to be thankful to belong to a church that supports and values missions.
While in Denver, we also reconnected with Trailhead Church, our partner for three years. During the pandemic, they lost the building they were leasing. They were hopeful to have new space by Easter but the company in the planned space decided not to move. Currently, the church is meeting in four to five houses weekly but earnestly seeking a place to worship together. New space is being built but it won’t be ready until Christmas. Please pray they can find an affordable space to use so they can meet together before Christmas!
Thank you for your generosity and for allowing us to serve.