Ministry Highlights: Cooks On A Mission Summer Update
| Cooks On A Mission, Ministry Highlights | Amy Hirsch

In our most recent ministry highlight, Kelly Rollow shares a Cooks On A Mission update.
What have we been up to? After a break in cooking due to masking and distance requirements, Cooks On A Mission (COAM) reopened the kitchen and began its monthly food offering to support local missions. These sales, along with a scaled down Pop-Up Shop in November, allowed us to continue serving local mission partners.
Although COVID restrictions prohibited The WellHouse ladies from participating in monthly cooking, we were able to make a generous contribution to The WellHouse for its continued support. COVID required that we adjust our distribution processes, but we were still able to support several former WellHouse residents financially.
Because of COVID, many providers are providing further aid to families in need. Starting in May 2020, COAM provided personal hygiene products, school supplies, and 150 food boxes monthly throughout the school year.
As in previous years, COAM provided Thanksgiving dinners to the doctors, nurses, and patients at UAB's NICU. We were also able to sponsor a hole for the Family Mission Trip Golf Tournament. With the help of MANY others, COAM helped pack hundreds of Backpack Buddies bags for the children at Grantswood Community School. In addition, we've continued to provide monthly cakes to public servants through our First Responders Ministry.
Cooking will resume in August, and we welcome anyone with a love for all things delicious! No culinary skills are required; we can find a spot for you. Come join us! Contact Kelly Rollow to learn more.