Ministry Highlights: Perry County Thanksgiving
| Ministry Highlights | Ben Winder
For the last several weeks we put out the call for the MBBC family to contribute macaroni and cheese, canned pie filling, and instant mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving bags for the families of Perry County. Thank you for faithfully responding!
We delivered your donations last week, and along with the contributions from other partner churches, we were able to fill bags to provide a Thanksgiving meal for 300 families in Perry County. Sowing Seeds of Hope worked with a dozen local congregations in Perry County to distribute these bags of blessing to those who need them most.

Sowing Seeds of Hope has been our ministry partner for more than 20 years. Through this partnership, MBBC has been able to make long-term, relational, and transformational impact for the sake of Christ in one of the most impoverished counties in the United States. Thank you for continuing to invest in this partnership. Your grace and generosity continues to bless the people of Perry County in Jesus' name!
Our next trip to Perry County will be Saturday, December 11. That day members from Mountain Brook Baptist Church will deliver shoeboxes filled with Christmas gifts for the children of Perry County, and tell the story of Christmas with a Living Nativity. You can help by picking up a shoe box in the Narthex, filling it with the suggested gifts, and returning it to the church by Thursday, December 9. We also welcome volunteers to travel to Perry County on December 11 to help with the Living Nativity and gift distribution. For more information, contact Jo Wills, who coordinates our partnership with Sowing Seeds of Hope.