Meet Our New Members: The Towns Family
| Meet Our New Member | Mary Splawn

Have you met the Towns family? Spencer and Lilly-Beth joined Mountain Brook Baptist on June 16, 2024. They have an infant son named Marshall. We hope you'll get to know them a little better through this latest "Meet Our New Member" blog, and that you'll have the chance to connect with them one Sunday in worship.
Tell us about your family. We were married at MBBC in November 2022. We have an 11-week-old son named Marshall. We live in Homewood but just recently bought a home in Vestavia and will be moving at the end of July. We are so excited to be a part of the MBBC family and look forward to getting involved and watching Marshall grow up in such a wonderful church.
Where do you work? Lilly-Beth: Commercial banking at United Community; Spencer: Logistics at Legacy Transportation
What led you to Mountain Brook Baptist Church? When we got engaged we started visiting with Spencer’s grandmother, Nancy Becker. We loved the church so much and knew we wanted to be married in this beautiful church.
What is your favorite hymn? "It Is Well With My Soul"
What are some of your hobbies and interests? Golf, spending time outside, family time, reading