Meet Our New Members: The Pashkevich Family
| Meet Our New Member | Mary Splawn

Have you met the Pashkevich family? Dmitry and Carolyn joined our church on October 20, 2024. They have two daughters: Isabelle (6) and Liliya (3). We hope you'll get to know them a little better through this latest "Meet Our New Member" blog, and that you'll have the chance to connect with them one Sunday in worship.
Tell us about your family. We met at a Thanksgiving party for Americans living in Moscow! We dated long distance for four years before getting married. Our first home was in Salt Lake City, Utah and we moved to Alabama two years ago (Carolyn is from Alabama). We have two girls, Isabelle (6) and Liliya (3).
Where do you work or go to school? Dmitry is a software engineer at Figma. Carolyn is a homemaker. Isabelle is in 1st grade at Brookwood Forest and Liliya is in 3K at the Mountain Brook Baptist ELC.
What led you to Mountain Brook Baptist Church? We were looking for a Bible-based church with a supportive, friendly community.
What is your favorite Bible verse or your favorite hymn? “It Is Well” is Carolyn's favorite hymn. Hebrews 11:1 is Dmitry’s favorite verse.
What are some of your hobbies and interests? Travel! We are always thinking about our next adventure. Food is also a favorite topic since everyone in our family likes to cook!
What is a fun fact other people may not know about you? Dmitry speaks English, Russian, and Spanish fluently! Carolyn studied in France.