Meet Our New Members: Sadie & Hunter Chitty

 |  Meet Our New Member  |  Mary Splawn

Have you met Sadie and Hunter Chitty? Sadie and Hunter joined our church on Sunday, February 23. We hope you'll get to know them a little better through this latest "Meet Our New Member" blog, and that you'll have the chance to connect with them one Sunday in worship. 

Tell us about your family. We both grew up in the Birmingham area but didn’t cross paths until we were set up by mutual friends our sophomore year at Auburn. We spent our first few years out of college in Atlanta before the Lord, somewhat unexpectedly, brought us back home to Birmingham in the fall of 2023. That move has been one of the many clear blessings the Lord has given us, bringing us closer to our growing families, good friends, and to MBB

Where do you work? Hunter is a Structural Engineer with LBYD Engineers and Sadie is a Landscape Architect with HILLWORKS.

What led you to Mountain Brook Baptist Church? When we moved to Birmingham we were on the hunt for a Scripture-focused, intergenerational church where we could grow in our faith and, Lord willing, one day raise our family. We found all that and more at MBBC!

What is your favorite praise song or hymn and favorite Bible verse? Sadie: "Goodness of God" and 1 Peter 4:7-11; Hunter: "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" and Proverbs 3:5

What are some of your hobbies and interests? We love anything that gets us outside - going for walks, playing tennis or golf, or being out on the lake with our families!

What is a fun fact other people may not know about you? Sadie: I can wiggle my ears. Hunter: I cannot wiggle my ears.