Meet Our New Members: Caroline & Ethan McVay
| Meet Our New Member | Mary Splawn

Have you met Caroline and Ethan McVay? The McVays joined our church on Sunday, April 23 and Ethan is serving as our new Minister for Preteens and Junior High Students. We hope you'll get to know them a little better through this latest "Meet Our New Member" blog, and that you'll have the chance to connect with them one Sunday in worship.
Tell us about your family. We married in 2021 and met at the University of Alabama.
Where do you work? Ethan: MBBC, Caroline: Lewis Communications
What led you to Mountain Brook Baptist Church? job opportunity; dual alignment (SBC and CBF) and faithful gospel preaching
What is your favorite hymn/praise song? Ethan: "Be Thou my Vision" and Caroline: "Come Thou Fount"
What are some of your hobbies and interests? Hiking, cooking, animals, Formula 1, sports, movies
What is a fun fact other people may not know about you? Ethan: has been to all three Americas, Caroline: has hiked across the Grand Canyon