Meet Our New Member: Lila Kelley
| Meet Our New Member | Mary Splawn

Have you met Lila Kelley? Lila recently joined the church and was baptized on July 23, 2023. We hope you'll get to know her a little better through this latest "Meet Our New Member" blog, and that you'll have the chance to connect with her one Sunday in worship.
Tell us about your family. My family is made up of five people: my dad, my mom, me, my younger Amelia, and my youngest sister Lydia. Also, I have one dog and her name is Calli. My family and I enjoy going outside and watching sports and movies together.
Where do you go to school? I go to school at Liberty Park Middle School. I am in 7th grade.
What led you to Mountain Brook Baptist Church? My family has always gone to it. I was born into it.
What is your favorite Bible story or verse, and/or your favorite hymn or praise song? My favorite Bible verse is Colossians 3:23-24 and my favorite worship song is "O Come to the Altar."
What are some of your hobbies and interests? I play basketball, I play soccer, and I also play violin. I love being outdoors and spending time with my family and friends.
What is a fun fact other people may not know about you? I collect sneakers and I am very, very competitive.