Meet Our New Member: Grace McMillan
| Meet Our New Member | Mary Splawn
In this season when we are not all able to meet together in person, we want to help you get to know our newest church members. Today, meet Grace McMillan, who joined our church by profession of faith on July 12, 2020 and was baptized on July 26, 2020.

Tell us about your family. My parents are Sean and LeAnn. My oldest sister Emma is a freshman in college and my other older sister Kate is a sophomore in high school.
Where do you go to school? I’m a third grader at Mountain Brook Elementary.
What led you to Mountain Brook Baptist Church? My parents
What is your favorite Bible verse? The fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)
What are some of your hobbies and interests? Tumbling in gymnastics and dance