Foundation Moments: The Steeple
| Foundation Moments | Baker Crow
The steeple is our church’s most recognizable feature. It rises high above the tree line allowing it to be seen from ridges throughout Shades Valley. When the carillon broadcasts soothing hymns at noon and 5 p.m., and on special occasions, it brings joy to those in earshot. The numerous letters we’ve received over the years praising the music serve as evidence.
Recently you may have noticed a large crane stretching up to the steeple. Unfortunately, after sixty years, it required a substantial facelift. The Mountain Brook Baptist Church/James D. Moebes Foundation was pleased to join with the Finance Committee to provide half of the funding for the renovation of the steeple. One of the purposes of the Foundation is to cushion the financial blow to our annual budget of expensive, extraordinary repairs. Due to the generosity and foresight of Richard Adams and his family, there is a fund in our Foundation dedicated to repairs to the steeple.
As our facilities age, more expensive repairs will be required. It may be difficult to fund the repairs from annual budgets. Future congregations will need financial assistance from the Foundation. If you’re looking for an opportunity to make a lasting gift to ensure our facilities are welcoming and in good repair, there’s no better place than a gift to the Foundation. Like the Adams family, you may establish a fund for a specific purpose, or trust the future board of the Foundation to wisely allocate your gift for repairs.
Please contact Baker Crow, Debbie Hix, or any Foundation board member to learn more about how you might contribute.