Foundation Moments: Mountain Brook Baptist Church/James D. Moebes Foundation Webpage

 |  Foundation Moments  |  Baker Crow

The Board of Directors of the Mountain Brook Baptist Church/James D. Moebes Foundation is pleased to announce the creation of a webpage dedicated to the Foundation on our church website, The page can be accessed either directly at or by clicking on the link entitled “Foundation” in the upper right-hand portion of the home page.

This webpage provides general information on the Foundation, such as its purpose, the types of funds, and ways to give. Also listed is contact information for individuals to talk with about the Foundation and a list of the names of the current board members. Under “Resources” there are links to a brochure, FAQs, a list of the current funds, and forms to complete when establishing a fund.

Your feedback regarding the optics of the page and its content is very important to us. Please provide us with your thoughts and any suggested enhancements. We hope you'll find the new webpage helpful and informative.

The Board of Directors greatly appreciates the valuable assistance of Amy Hirsch and Elizabeth Helms, our freelance graphic designer, in the creation of this webpage.