Foundation Moments: 2022 Investment Performance of the MBBC/James D. Moebes Foundation

 |  Foundation Moments  |  Baker Crow

I’ve recently been asked by several members of our congregation about the investment performance of our Foundation in 2022. The question is understandable with both equity and fixed income security indices producing negative returns in excess of 10% in 2022. I’m pleased to report the Foundation’s investment return was only a loss of 2.96%. While the Board is never happy with a loss, they’re pleased with the “out performance” of our investment return when compared to the various indices.

The Board and its Investment Committee have a bias toward preserving capital when considering investment solutions and focusing on performance over the long term. The Board’s adopted investment policy is to invest in a diversified portfolio to produce reasonable growth over a market cycle of six to eight years to generate a competitive rate of return. The Board has an agreement with The Baptist Foundation of Alabama for them to provide investment solutions and administrative services. The investment solutions they provide are managed in a biblically responsible manner which include investments that further Kingdom work while seeking to earn a compelling market return.

Please don’t hesitate to ask should you have any questions about our Foundation and how the funds are managed.