Pastor's Blog: Generosity Saturday


“Loving God and Living with Grace and Generosity” has been a hallmark of MBBC for several years now. I can’t think of a better statement of mission around which our congregation might focus our service. The twofold statement captures perfectly both the internal and external and the vertical and horizontal dimensions of our faith experience.

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Project 119: Micah 4:1-5

 |  Project 119  |  Dr. Wayne Splawn

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Project 119: Micah 3

 |  Project 119  |  Dr. Wayne Splawn

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Project 119: Micah 2

 |  Project 119  |  Dr. Wayne Splawn

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Project 119: Micah 1

 |  Project 119  |  Dr. Wayne Splawn

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Learning to Give Like God


I don’t know of another passage of Scripture that is more well-known or more beloved than this passage I just read for you. It’s one of the first verses of Scripture that most folk learn “by heart” because it conveys the core message of the Gospel and the means by which we secure eternal life.

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Sermon Preview: Learning to Give Like God


A true disciple is a lifelong learner. That’s because there’s always something new to know about following Jesus or some spiritual discipline that we can become more proficient in pursuing. At no point does our need to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus become more evident than in the matter of giving.

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Project 119: Jonah 4

 |  Project 119  |  Joel Burks

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Pastor's Blog: In The World, But Not Of It


This week in our pastoral staff meeting we were looking at the upcoming MBBC calendar when someone mentioned that Monday was “Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” Clearly, political correctness has even seeped down now to our Apple calendars so that we can’t even enjoy a good long weekend without being reminded of our inherited guilt as occupiers of a land that our ancestors discovered and then took over.

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Project 119: Jonah 3

 |  Project 119  |  Joel Burks

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