Project 119: Zechariah 6

 |  Project 119  |  Amy Hirsch

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Project 119: Zechariah 5

 |  Project 119  |  Amy Hirsch

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Project 119: Zechariah 4

 |  Project 119  |  Amy Hirsch

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Pastor's Blog: An Early Thanksgiving


If you look on your calendars, you’ll see that Thanksgiving Day doesn’t happen for another couple of weeks. But sandwiched in between the holidays of Halloween and Thanksgiving is another holiday that should elicit our gratitude but too often falls through the cracks because of the busyness of the season. I’m referring, of course, to Veterans Day, which this year falls on Sunday.

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Project 119: Zechariah 3

 |  Project 119  |  Amy Hirsch

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Project 119: Zechariah 2

 |  Project 119  |  Amy Hirsch

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Project 119: Zechariah 1:7-21

 |  Project 119  |  Amy Hirsch

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Project 119: Zechariah 1:1-6

 |  Project 119  |  Amy Hirsch

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Project 119: Haggai 2

 |  Project 119

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Pastor's Blog: Getting Out the Vote


For what seems to be the last twelve months we’ve been hearing about the upcoming mid-term elections. In fact, I don’t know when I remember hearing as much talk about an “off year” election cycle as I have heard about this one. In these last weeks both parties have been ramping up their efforts at attracting their bases to the polls. Having previously served in a political community for a long period of time, I understand how much is at stake both for the party in power as well as the party that wants so desperately to be in power.

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