Vision 2020 Update: April 2018
Vision 2020 Implementation
Structures Update
Structures - We make ministry possible.
One of the strategic objectives for the Vision 2020 Structures Team is to “Provide facilities that, while warm, welcoming, and accessible to members and guests, are functional in terms of serving the church’s ministry objectives.”
We are excited to report that the first step in making this objective a reality has been completed.
The Facility Assessment Team, chaired by David Bryan, completed a space and facility needs assessment. They meet with staff and key stakeholders to evaluate the functionality of our church facility. This included input from all demographics and areas of the facility that impact ministry.
They developed a detailed report that will serve as a springboard for our facility master plan.
The report summarized what they deemed to be the most pressing facilities issues facing our church family in the following five categories:
Youth Space: The Student Ministry has outgrown its current space. For this ministry to continue to grow, the classroom space requires enlarging and upgrading with additional storage needed.
Children’s Area: Currently the Children’s Area housing the Daycare and Early Learning Center cannot be adequately secured. We must provide state of the art security in these areas. Reconfiguration and location of classes need to be addressed.
Multi-Purpose Space: Hudson Hall, Heritage Hall, and the CLC Building Annex are each currently functioning as Multi-Purpose spaces. However, to foster growth the committee recommends the possibility of revamping both Heritage Hall and the CLC Annex thus creating new space for a more expressive “Main Church Entrance,” a significant space for congregational gathering and welcoming with the possibility of providing new space for an improved Contemporary Worship Hall.
Storage: For many years our church facility has been woefully short of adequate storage space.
Parking: On certain occasions parking is not adequate.
The Needs Assessment Committee of the Vision 2020 Structures Team recommended the appointment of an Ad-hoc Building Committee charged with the selection of an architectural firm having a vast church résumé with regard to space study and planning. This ad-hoc committee will oversee the work of the firm insuring that all of these needs are addressed and are cost feasible. The committee also recommended that the church staff along with the Maintenance Committee be charged with reviewing and implementing many of the “just do it” items identified in this report.
The findings and recommendations were presented to the Executive Committee and Deacons in January. They were approved at the Semi-Annual Church Conference in January.
Since January, an Architecture Committee was formed and they are executing the plan presented. Please be in prayer for wisdom and guidance in the selection of the firm that will develop our master facility plan.