April 13-20, 2025 | Holy WeekLearn More

Student Ministry Leaders

Student Ministry at Mountain Brook Baptist Church seeks to minister to students and their parents as they grow in their faith. We seek to connect our students to caring church members, disciple them by providing them with opportunities to interact with scripture, and partner with families as they seek to live into their role and encourage their students every day. 

Choosing to be a Student Ministry Leader is making a choice to invest strategically in the lives of a few so that over time we can help them build an authentic faith. That's what being a Student Leader is all about!

Thank you for committing to our students, our families, and our church.

- Joel Burks (Minister to Students) and Ethan McVay (Minister to Preteen and Jr. High Students)

Onboarding - 

We ask that all of our volunteers complete the onboarding packet and turn it in to the Minister to Students. This packet contains an application, a brief survey of our policies and procedures, and a copy of our Child Protection Policy. Click below...