Baptist Heritage Sunday 2024

What does it mean to be a Baptist? On Sunday, February 25, we’ll delve into this question more deeply as we hear from Dr. Todd Still, Dean of Truett Seminary at Baylor University. Dr. Still will preach in both worship services that morning and will deliver a lecture that afternoon in Heritage Hall. Whether you have been a Baptist all of your life or you recently came to Mountain Brook Baptist Church from another denomination, we think this will be a day where we all have the chance to learn more deeply about our roots and about what it means to be a Baptist. 

We will have activities for children (infants-6th grade) during the lecture in the afternoon. Following the lecture, we will all enjoy a BBQ dinner together in Heritage Hall. 

Register so we can make plans for children’s activities and for food. 

We will have activities for children (infants-6th grade) during the lecture in the afternoon. Following the lecture, we will all enjoy a BBQ dinner together in Heritage Hall. 

Register so we can make plans for children’s activities and for food.