Sermon Preview: What's In A Name?


MATTHEW 28:16-20

Nothing creates more consternation for new parents than coming up with the right name for their newborn. That’s because names are much more than mere means of identifying someone. A name signifies hope and possibility. A name gives someone a goal or promise to aspire to.

We see that throughout Scripture. Names captured the circumstances around which a person was born, or “reborn.” Moreover, to possess someone’s name meant that you were in a relationship with someone, or had the chance to do so. Lastly, sometimes the revelation of a name gave someone authority over someone else. (Remember the story of the Gadarene demoniac, where Jesus asks the demons name before casting them out). It’s that last attribute that we will consider in our worship this Sunday, which is Trinity Sunday on the church calendar. 

The doctrine of the Trinity is a vital one for Christian faith. Yet, it’s not one that most of us give much attention, in part because it’s complicated, but also because we’re not certain about its relevance to our everyday life. This Sunday we’ll look at how we might simplify the complexity and also ponder ways in which this signal doctrine has deep bearing upon our everyday life.

So, join us as we consider how we might live into the profession into which we have been baptized and claim the power of the name “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” My prayer is that you will leave worship more proud to carry the name of our Triune God and will lean upon the authority He gives you so that you might go about your everyday life more confident of His abiding presence and power.